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Imagine Success International
Golf In Mind
Mastering the Mental Game

Golf In Mind

What the professionals say …….

Gary Player golf quote

Mastering the Mental Game ….  

Golf in Mind uses the latest NLP and hypnosis techniques to enhance self belief, heighten sensory awareness, raise levels of performance and improve consistency. 

Clarify goals and set a personal development plan to achieve them
Learn how to quieten the mind
Acquire the techniques of pre-game mental preparation
Visualisation techniques to pre-experience successful shots
Improve concentration to increase the ability to maintain focus
Maintain emotional control
Improved self-belief in the likelihood of success
Anchor a state of calm
Michael Campbell US Open Winner 2005
Frances and Jackie with Michael Cambell US Open & World Match Play winner 2005

Barriers to Success …

Lack of confidence
Negative mental attitude
Pre-performance anxiety
Loss of focus under pressure
Sustaining motivation
Fear of failure
Lack of consistency

Jonathon Yarwood, Coach to Michael Campbell

For all the information you need to decide,

Call Frances on 01344 627275

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